Saturday, September 15, 2012

Our Trip So Far

The last post I talked about how I preferred Denver and west to what is east of that in the USA.  It is now about 3 weeks later and I want to enlarge on that.  Almost all of the weather we had east of Denver and back to Ohio was soggy, muggy, flat, and unpleasant.  The people we visited on that part of the trip was a lot of fun.  We went to Chicago.  That is Barbara in the foreground.

Went to a wedding in Ohio

 Saw the motor home hall of fame in Indiana

Went underground in Missouri

Saw and went up the Arch

I actually hit many / most of the 70 mph balls thrown at me.

Barbara and I bought cheese in Amish Country

And we made friends with a Spanish water dog.
We are now back west in Albuqueque NM and it is not raining.  Back home in the West.

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