We have been on the road 10 days so far. We are in Central City CO. Nice old town nestled in the trees above and to the west of Denver. It is 73 degrees, hallelujah. We have been in very hot weather since we left. I am not sure if Calico or Green River UT was hotter. Both showed over 100 on our outside thermometer in the afternoon. I am afraid after our three days here we will be back in the hot stuff for much of the rest of the trip. But it is August, so I guess this is expected.
The best things we have seen so far were as usual the National and State parks. Arches and Canyonlands National Parks and Fremont State Park by Richfield UT. Here are some pictures of these places.
Fremont was a great place to visit. More easy to see and walk to Indian (Native American) art than I had ever seen. Arches was a beautiful display of Red Utah rocks. We saw a few arches, but many are a hike longer than we could take in 100 degrees. Canyonlands was also a great place to visit. Somewhat different than Arches, but more than worth going to see.
Barbara and I went white water rafting yesterday. Quite an adventure. We got very wet and had a great time. We held back though on taking the zip line and the leap of faith (which I renamed the leap of death) but watched other, younger people do those. Don't even ask me what the leap of faith was. Nothing to do with religion.
Was thinking of you guys today and decided to check the blog. Thanks for great pictures and comments on your trip. If your rv doesn't break, your're not realy rving!! Better luck for the rest of your trip. Pat Pachura
I am not getting notifications of when a comment comes in. So this one by you is 10 days old. We are in Ohio. Motor home is mostly fixed. Since over 80% of the motor home is running perfect I am happy. Yesterday I cleaned out hair from bathroom drains. When you start doing this kind of stuff the motor home starts becoming your real home, for a time at least. The weather in Ohio has been mostly dreadful. Like a swamp. But more than made up for by Barbara's extended family. We went to a very nice wedding two days ago and are now sort of beginning to plan the trip back west. Back here in the flatlands our big bus is getting over 8mpg. It is also simple to drive when things are flat. We plan to see if we can meet up with Peacocks in OK. I think we will both be there about the same time.
You have not signed up for the Jan trip. Are you guys going? We are going to AZ. El Centro, Tucson, and Quartzite. You should join us. Hansen's will be along part of the time.
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