On a boat off Greek Island - taken with iPhone 7+ |
I like and use both the easy Apple, Google, Adobe, & Flickr systems. But I also save a copy in my own file system that is not in any software and in a universal format jpeg. And I also have prints made of my favorite shots which are in photo albums.
So how does this all work.
1. I use Apple Photos with my iPhone. But you could just as easily use Google Photos, Flickr, Lightroom Mobile, Microsoft Photos, or a number of on line or push systems. I look at the pictures and videos on my phone and cull the ones that are no good and do a small amount of editing. Then I let Apple automatically push photos to my iPad & Mac where I might do a little more editing using Apple's software. If you are in an area with no wifi you can move photos using a wire and the same Mac Photos software. When you are finished with the Apple editing you export the keepers to a folder on and external drive or flash drive. Do not leave a bunch of photos on your computer hard drive or SSD. It clogs it up and you don't have the freedom to move your files around like you do with the external drive.
2. With all regular cameras you move your files directly to the external drive or flash drive. Save the original and the final edited version as a jpeg.
3. You need to add keywords to all your good files. Keywords are embedded into the files and you can use them ten years from now of six months from now to look up and find this file easily. Do not let software add keywords do it yourself. Start doing it on all your new "keeper" files. Worry about your past files when you get around to it.
4. I keep folders by year and month but you can use any system that works for you. So I have a folder for the years, months, and then within months I number the folders. Most of the time I can find the files easily by memory but it even easier to just enter into Apple search a keyword or two and they come up almost instantly. A windows computer does the same thing, just enter a keyword into the file search and they come back in a flash.
5. I have been keeping my photos and videos on line as that seemed for a few years the best way to do it. On line storage seemed like the best way to store files a few years ago, but now it is only good as a second copy. The problems with on line storage are; 1. It is too slow. 2. Your files are at the mercy of the on line company as soon as you upload them. Just don't use on line as your only storage. You will regret it at some point. I could go on for quite a while with problems I have had storing on line but just take my word for it. They are your files and if you want to keep them then they should stay in your possession.
6. Backup your storage file. Now that you are safely putting your photos and video on a storage drive you need to back it up with a second drive. I currently use disk drives, but flash drives are getting cheaper very quickly. I have had a number of disk storage drives fail so that is why you need two. But flash drives seem to be much more rugged. I have yet to have a flash drive fail. If you have a smaller amount of storage just use flash drives. Very likely 30 years from now they will still work.
7. Make your best into prints. Very likely most of the on line systems and most of the storage drives will change over the years. Some on line systems will go out of business or close. Most storage drives will fail or their connectors will be obsoleted. If you print things and then save them into attractive books they will stay around the longest unless you have a fire or other natural disaster. I still have quite a few family photos from 100 years ago and more. They are almost all black and white prints and they have not faded at all.
1. Capture image or video with any device.
2. Save file to your drive locally
3. Keyword your file
4. Make a backup
5. Backup your backup either on line or printing or both.
6. Phones are great but actual cameras without a phone attached are easier to use, last longer, and work better. Save yourself some money and buy a camera from a camera company and you will not need to spend so much on your phone or replace it as often.