Thursday, August 16, 2012

RV Trips and Repairs

OK, it is not a "real" RV trip, a long one at least, until you have spent a day in a repair shop.  Last year our turbo blew and we spent an unscheduled night in Cortez CO.  So today we spent the day in a truck repair shop in Lincoln NE.  Home of the Cornhuskers.  Our bus is now patched up and good enough to go on.  A small little valve that is supposed to bleed off air from the cooling system has failed and it is letting coolant out.  And we blew a dash air hose.  The shop had neither.  So we are using roof air and will not use the aqua hot till we replace the valve.  I think I will stop in Elkhart Indiana and see if one of the big shops there can fix either or both.  While they are doing that I plan to see the RV history museum.

Of the States we have been in so far we liked Utah the best.  Colorado had it's high points, literally.  There are some very nice spots in CO, but I70 is a little too hilly to enjoy driving a motor home on.  The raft ride down the Colorado was pretty cool though.  Then there is NE.  When I come up with something I like about it I will write it down.  We are going to visit the Hurlburt's in a couple of days.  They were friends of ours we met at Foothills a few years back.  We are looking forward to that.  Then on to Chicago and farther east.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Nuttmann's Trip So Far

We have been on the road 10 days so far.  We are in Central City CO.  Nice old town nestled in the trees above and to the west of Denver.  It is 73 degrees, hallelujah.  We have been in very hot weather since we left.  I am not sure if Calico or Green River UT was hotter.  Both showed over 100 on our outside thermometer in the afternoon.  I am afraid after our three days here we will be back in the hot stuff for much of the rest of the trip.  But it is August, so I guess this is expected.

The best things we have seen so far were as usual the National and State parks.  Arches and Canyonlands National Parks and Fremont State Park by Richfield UT.  Here are some pictures of these places.

Fremont was a great place to visit.  More easy to see and walk to Indian (Native American) art than I had ever seen.  Arches was a beautiful display of Red Utah rocks.  We saw a few arches, but many are a hike longer than we could take in 100 degrees.  Canyonlands was also a great place to visit.  Somewhat different than Arches, but more than worth going to see.

Barbara and I went white water rafting yesterday.  Quite an adventure.  We got very wet and had a great time.  We held back though on taking the zip line and the leap of faith (which I renamed the leap of death) but watched other, younger people do those.  Don't even ask me what the leap of faith was.  Nothing to do with religion.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Janet Williams Adds Pictures From Her Recent Trip

Janet has recently gone to Oregon and here are some pictures from her trip.

"The first photo is with a cousin and my brother in Pacific City, Oregon.  The second is part of our family group having a sing-a-long by Devil's Lake near the Oregon coast."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New Barbara and Steve Hansen pictures from the road

" The first is of a moose in the Grand Teton National Park.  It is a little blurry because I enlarged it so you can see the moose -- otherwise all you can see is the stream with a black dot in the background :>)"

Quote is from Barbara Hansen

"he other picture is taken out of the window of the RV as a cattle drive went past in eastern Idaho.  It was an amazing sight -- all traffic stopped and the cowboys (and girls) drove the cattle right past us."

Quote is from Barbara Hansen

As it turns out by accident we are both going to be going to Colorado at the same time and are going to try and meet up.